I recently upgraded my venv to Python3.7
My ha version is 0.101.2
Insteon Hub 2245
Hub Version 1018
All plm logs from fresh hass start
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: ioLincSensor
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] We want to reconnect so we do...
2019-11-05 08:30:43 WARNING (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Lost connection to Insteon Modem: True
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Reconnecting to transport
2019-11-05 08:30:43 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Insteon Hub reader stopped
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] starting Connection.reconnect
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] starting Connection._connect
2019-11-05 08:30:43 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Connecting to Insteon Hub on
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Creating http connection
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Starting the reader in HttpTrasnport __init__
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] create_http_connection Finished creating connection
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Test connection status is 200
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Starting the buffer reader
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ending Connection._connect
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ending Connection.reconnect
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Insteon Hub reader started
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Clearing the buffer..............
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Calling connection made
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Protocol: <insteonplm.plm.Hub object at 0xffff5c43bac8>
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Connection established to Hub
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Transport: <insteonplm.HttpTransport object at 0xffff1ecf8438>
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Loading saved device info.
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Really Loading saved device info.
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Saved device file loaded
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 187162
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 187e4a
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1600cb
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 19e1ae
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1923f2
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1872ac
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 164858
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 164819
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 18807b
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 18b4c3
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Found 10 saved devices
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting Insteon Modem Info
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 00.00.00, 'category': 0xNone, 'subcategory': 0xNone, 'firmware': 0xNone, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _load_all_link_database
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _get_first_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting ALL-Link Records
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _get_first_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _load_all_link_database
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending _setup_devices in IM
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnOff
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: openClosedRelay
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: keypadButtonMain
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonA
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonB
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonC
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonD
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnOff
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] No ACK or NAK message received.
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] TX: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 00.00.00, 'category': 0xNone, 'subcategory': 0xNone, 'firmware': 0xNone, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Writing a message..............
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Waiting for ACK or NAK message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Buffer from 0 to 18
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] New buffer: 0260391EC60333A406
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Received 9 bytes from PLM: b'0260391ec60333a406'
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Finishing: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0260391ec60333a406'
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Buffer too short to have a message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Messages in queue: 1
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 39.1E.C6, 'category': 0x03, 'subcategory': 0x33, 'firmware': 0xa4, 'acknak': 0x06}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Last item in self._recv_queue reached.
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] ACK or NAK received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting _handle_get_plm_info
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending _handle_get_plm_info
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] TX: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Writing a message..............
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Waiting for ACK or NAK message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Buffer from 0 to 26
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] New buffer: 0269060257E200187162030E3B
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Received 13 bytes from PLM: b'0269060257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Finishing: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0269060257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Buffer too short to have a message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Messages in queue: 2
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0x06}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x57, 'controlFlags': 0xe2, 'group': 0x00, 'address': 18.71.62, 'linkdata1': 0x03, 'linkdata2': 0x0e, 'linkdata3': 0x3b}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting Device.receive_message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending Device.receive_message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Last item in self._recv_queue reached.
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] ACK or NAK received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Found all link record for device 187162
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _get_next_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting Next All-Link Record
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x6a, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _get_next_all_link_record
I then try to turn on the dimmer @ 16.48.58
Nothing actually turns on. Below are the logs.
I can manually control the dimmer from the insteon app and insteonplm_interactive
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting Device._send_msg
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending Device._send_msg
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting 16.48.58 Device._process_send_queue
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Lock is locked from yield from
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x62, 'address': 16.48.58, 'flags': 0x00, 'cmd1': 0x11, 'cmd2': 0xff, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending 16.48.58 Device._process_send_queue