Integrate 433 Mz receiver into HassOS

I bought a 433 Mz receiver with which I would like to control a ‘Digoo’ temperature sensor but not only that, I am using HassOS (no Home Assistant) on a raspberry pi4, I connected it to the raspberry as shown in the image, I tried to make him recognize HassOS but to no avail,
there is someone who can give me directions
thank you

Could you share your Digoo sensor model? Pilight can be a solution with this type of receiver.
You can check if your sensor is in the list of supported devices.
If not, an alternative is to use rtl_433 with an rtl_sdr (you would need to check supported models also).

this is my DG-R8H sensor

sorry but i saw the message just now
Digoo DG-R8H