I’m working in a school what has a special door opening system what’s called “OTIC”. I would like to build a home assistant environment for the directors and i want to create a switch for each door to open it without the RFID card.
I can control the doors in a windows app on a separated VM. - I can rdp to the VM, select the door and click “Remote Open” button. -
My idea was something like the HASS agent and the MQTT to emulate the “select the door and click “Remote Open” button” process. But I couldn’t solve it.
If I can’t create a switch for the doors, maybe can I take an rdp window on a dashboard somehow? (That’s the last solution. It’s better than nothing)
Anyone have any ideas how can I integrate it?
Thank you for the answers!
There is a control unit which is wired with the doors. So when you click it, it’s just basically a command for the control unit to “Open door 107”. I think, you cannot send commands for the doors any other way.
Easiest way would be if the control unit has an open API where you can send messages to for opening any door. I didn’t find something if it is otic.hu? Try to contact the support for it.
Another way is to try to log the communication between the control unit and the vm. If there isn’t some sort of encryption ongoing maybe you can use that somehow to communicate with the central unit.