Integrating third party python

Hi there,

I am fairly new to HA so this is kind of a beginners question but with all the different possible setups I am a little overwhelmed.
I have a running configuration of on a raspberry 3 with raspian buster on an ssd.
I am using deconz zigbee gateway for some lights and temperature sensors, so nothing high level there. The configuration.yaml is in the default state.
I want to integrate my eq3 bluetooth thermostats according to this guide:
But with all the possible setups like docker / venv, hasspian, ec. I am not sure where to install the python library eq3smart. New docker container, directly on the raspian (with has no python 3 by default)?

Kind regards

You don’t.

Integrations dependencies are already handled within the docker container. Just add the integration to your config.

ok, thank you. But how do I add the intigration in this case? I am not able to find this integration using the “add integration” in the ui

This integration is not available to be configured through the UI. You need to configure it manually, it’s all in the docs you linked.

Read the documentation.

Because as stated in many places, not every integration is available via the GUI.

It’s even stated in the view when you press the + button on the integrations page that not all integrations are configurable through the UI…

There are essentially 3 ways to load components not all ways are available for all components.

  • Using the Integration GUI
  • Editing the configuration manually (source will be downloaded automatically on restart)
  • Copying the source to the custom_components directory, and editing the config

For this particular component it looks like all you need to do is edit your configuration.yml and it should download the python library on restart of home assistant.

Thank you, this was very helpful.
I did not get that the libraries were downloaded automatically.