I’m REALLY new at home automation but I want to try to automate certain items in my motorhome such as turnin the rooftop AC units off and on and install some smart plugs smart electrical plugs. Can anyone help figure out which thermostats, temp sensors, vibration sensors and electrical plugs will work with Home Automation. I have been to the Integration portion of Home Assistant but need some help narrowing down my options. I bought a couple of Kasa smart plugs but they ended up not working. Thanks.
Do you have an internet connection in the motorhome?
Is you power supply constant (ie sufficient backup battery for when on the road/away from AC power)?
What brand are the AC units and how do you control them at present?
Yes, I have internet connection in the motorhome using my android phone’s hotspot and TP-Link WiFi router.
Yes I have an inverter that will provide AC power when on the road. Generally we’re not driving for very long so it’s not been a problem power devices that require AC or DC power. And we don’t run our AC units will driving unless we turn on our onboard 10,000 watt generator.
The ac units (3) are Coleman AirXcel Mach 8 15,000 BTU heat pump. Each is controlled by their own RVComfort.HP thermostats (3).
Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for your help.
Thanks, Glenn. I’ll check it out.
Thanks, Nick. I’ve read a few of his articles and I THINK he has not found a solution for controlling his AC’s remotely. But I will go back to see if I’ve missed anything. I appreciate you taking the time to answer me.
For integration to RVC the RV CAN bus integration I am using a pi with software developed by Rob at this site. https://myervin.com/category/ervin-how-tos
I am able to control lights and monitor many of the utilities used by the motor home. Read the site and it will get you started. I am able to use Homeassistant via the built in HUE integration and MQTT.