Integration of HASmartThermostat with Homematic IP Thermostats and Zigbee Outlet

Hi everyone,

I’m looking to integrate HASmartThermostat into Home Assistant to control my heating. I have Homematic IP thermostats providing the set and actual temperatures. I want to use these with the HASmartThermostat integration to control a Zigbee outlet.

Here is the code I tried:

  - platform: smart_thermostat
    name: Kleines Bad Example
    unique_id: climate.hm_tc_it_wm_w_eu_req0837768
    heater: switch.heizung_bad_klein_schalter_2
    target_sensor: sensor.ambient_temperature
    min_temp: 7
    max_temp: 28
    ac_mode: False
    target_temp: climate.hm_tc_it_wm_w_eu_req0837768
      seconds: 60
    away_temp: 14
    kp: 50
    ki: 0.01
    kd: 2000
    pwm: 00:15:00

How can I adjust it to properly read values from the thermostat and make it work? Any ideas?


If you are having a problem with a specific Custom Integration, the first point of contact is in the Github post that you found it in originally. (GitHub - ScratMan/HASmartThermostat: Smart Thermostat with PID controller for HomeAssistant)

Most if not all the people there that know the product and use the software that will be able to give you more accurate information regarding your problem.

Here you might find someone.