for several days now, all sensors in the Polestar API integration ar unknown, exept for the battery capacity (not the battery level), the cars model number, the number plate and VIN.
Diagnose sais API disconnected.
deleting the integration and downloading again via hacs doesn’t solve it, integration login works just fine, no errors.
anyone else having issues?
Yes, same for me
same for me
oh ok, it’s not just me then.
did Polestar cut us off?
Polestar has a worldwide outage/partial outage of it’s API. Users all over the world are reporting their car being offline in the app even though it’s internet connection works.
It comes and goes… My car status (Polestar 3) is mostly ‘unknown’ in HA, but shows correctly in the app. For other users it’s the other way round.
I would say, as often with Polestar… give it 24-48 hours before worrying…
thanks for the confirmation, for me the app works just fine, integration not.
hope they fix it soon.
Outage was on Monday, so we can start worrying already
Reports of offline cars in the app are still coming in…
The outage on monday was due to T-Mobile…
But perhaps we should indeed start worrying
Just to be sure I opened an issue on the integration github
By opening the issue, I found out that there is a new version available: 1.14.1
Downloaded it, and a lot of my entities were repopulated.
yes great! it works again with the newest version.
looked yesterday but there wasn’t an update available.
Probably not an ‘official’ update yet as HACS didn’t notify there was an update available.
Lesson learned: first check github
Yup, same here.
Even the Android App reported the car as being “offline” most of the day.
Also my In-App charging schedule over night and heating timer didn’t work today.
For those who suffer from P2 being offline:
Reboot comms module by pressing windscreen heating button and release when SOS-light is blinking. Wait a while and you’re good to go.
About version 1.14.0, what would have been the best procedure to install this update?
I just started the update as prompted from HA. Ended up with two Polestar devices, the old one where all entities are unknown and a new one that works fine. All dashboard references and the automations broken. Dashboard is easily fixed, automations somewhat more complicated.
Only way to remove the old entity from the integration is to delete and re-install the integration. So redo dashboard and automations.
Again, what would have been the procedure to follow for this update?
define a while… its been 2h by now and still nothing.
At least for me a while was maybe 1-2 minutes. Just to clarify this is a fix for the mobile app, not HA.
ah, thought its the fix for HA… which remains offline.
I had the same issue and deleted the integretion.
after adding the integration again, it was solved.
Thanks. Yes, will have to do that too. Not sure how it could be avoided.