Hey everyone, anyone integrated home assistant to pwsweather.com?
I don’t know if you’re talking about pushing or pulling, but I use WeeWX to push to a number of weather services from my weather station, along with data into MQTT which can then be used by Home Assistant.
Recently, I had a need to pull some data from pwsweather.com for comparison against my own sensors. Here’s the sensor code I use to do it. You’ll need to tear apart some of the JSON in the web view to find the values you’re looking for.
- platform: rest
name: 'WEATHER_STATION_ID Pressure'
resource: 'https://api.aerisapi.com/observations/WEATHER_STATION_ID_HERE?filter=precise%2Cmetar%3Bpws%3Bmadis%3Bausbom%2Callownosky&fields=ob.spressureMB&limit=1&client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET_HERE'
method: GET
value_template: '{{ value_json["response"]["ob"]["spressureMB"] | float }}'
device_class: pressure
unit_of_measurement: hPa
@pashdown thanks for sharing the pull code! Where / how did you find the JSON to reverse engineer this? I’d like to pull down sky cover.
Hi, could you say me what have I to insert as clientId and secret? is secret the apikey?
and How can I get more values in a call? i.e. precipitations, wind speed and so on?
Thank you!
I’m sorry, I looked again and I can’t decipher what I did to figure out client_id and secret.