
Hi there I am trying to use my phone based tracker to turn off a light when i leave and a turn on a light when arrive

This is what i have come up with so far but it ant working
id: ‘WLED light on’

alias: Turn on the light when I arrive Home

description: ‘’


  • entity_id: sensor.sm_g960f_geocoded_location

    event: enter

    platform: zone

    zone: zone.home

condition: []


  • brightness_pct: 100

    device_id: 348d322543ac43c5b2babddd9b47ba5b

    domain: light

    entity_id: light.wledaj

effect: Solid


  - 300

  - 100

intensity: 100

speed: 15

type: turn_on

mode: single

  • id: ‘WLED light off’

    alias: Turn off the lights when I leave home

    description: ‘’


    • entity_id: sensor.sm_g960f_geocoded_location

      event: leave

      platform: zone

      zone: zone.home

    condition: []


    • type: turn_off

    mode: single

Nobody can help you very effectively if you don’t format your code correctly. Syntax is important and if we can’t see it we can’t help fix it.

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