Integrations and MQTT

What is happening in the Integrations section with respect to MQTT? I now have this appear on my integrations page:

Clicking on Sonos shows me my Sonos devices but if I click on MQTT, it shows the following:


I use the Mosquitto add-in and have several Sonoffs using MQTT and (if it is relevant) Mosquitto bridges to CloudMQTT.

I must admit to being a little confused with the whole integrations part of the UI… Can someone help? I could find no documentation on this at all except in the new version release notes.

That functionality is already in there since a couple of weeks.

Basically it tells you that it “discovered” you mqtt settings inside your configuration file. You could remove that from your configuration and use the ui to add it again. The configuration made using the ui will be saved inside core.config_entries - this includes the username and password…

You have to enable mqtt device discovery (and have discoverable mqtt devices) to have something showing up there…

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