I am trying to make friendly URLs for several internal IP:port combinations. I want to be able to point towards switch.home to access a switch for instance or npm.home to get to NGINX proxy manager.
I’m having lots of trouble actually finding that much documentation about DNSMasq in Home Assistant to begin with.
I tried setting up DNSMasq config page under forwards or hosts:
- domain: switch.home
or as:
forwards: []
- host: switch.home
On NGINX Proxy Manager (Community Add-on by Frenck), I created a proxy host:
domain name: switch.home
scheme: http
fwd hostname / IP:
fwd port: 80
WebSockets support enabled
When I try to access switch.home/ from browser, I get an error: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Also, when I try to connect create a NGINX Proxy Host using a similar friendly URL, I cannot make a certificate. It gives me Internal Error
It then generates an expired certificate.
-I have MariaDB set up and I’m not getting any errors there.
-My NGINX Proxy Configuration page is blank – not sure if I’m supposed to fill anything there or not but I can get it to generate a certificate for a duckdns address and point it to the internal IP of the switch just fine.
-I have ports 443 and 80 forwarded to IP of home assistant.
-Home assistant IP is set up as the 1st DNS server in my router. I even tried removing the other DNS servers there and rebooting everything & flushing DNS.
Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere but I have been looking all over for answers and can’t figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!