Internet outage - no access using the application on local network

Hi all,

Turns out my internet was down this morning and while I was trying to open up HA through the application, I’ve had an error message.

I’m on Android if that matters, have configured access using

When I try filling in my local URL using my IP Address the app doesn’t work.

Any hint ?

    ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
    ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Well that’s the way you’ve set it up.
The certificate is set for the duckdns address, which is set up to resolve on the duckdns server, which will then point back at your external ip address of your modem.
Because your Internet was down this couldn’t be resolved.
Change the set up so it can deal with both internal and external requests.

Clue: search ‘Mutt duck’


Nope - the https isn’t workig either. I did try it as well.

Weird because my computer can access that adress (

Yeah that will only work for a web browser not the app. There’s no way to ignore the invalid security certificate in the app.

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