I have something wrong in my automations
it has been there for quite sometime and dosnt seem to be effecting anything but i want to clear up any erors to help me keep thing running smoothly
i have been removing my automations 1 x 1 and moving them to node red but i still get this error
Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:443
First occurred: 9:09:15 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:09:15 AM
Invalid config for [automation]: value must be one of ['turned_off', 'turned_on'] for dictionary value @ data['type']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 22).
Invalid config for [automation]: expected float for dictionary value @ data['below']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 22).
however there is nothing similar to this in my yaml nothing at line 22
It should be all UI but i might have amended some previous errors manualy in yaml.
it would make sence that the error is in automations, but how do i find what automation is the problem
The error message should narrow it down to lines containing type and below. If you paste the whole file here I’m sure someone (perhaps me) will identify the issue.
Solved. there was a orphened automation in my config, after removing all my UI automations there was an old automation that must not have got deleted when i had deleted the automation from the UI