Invalid config Platform not found device_tracker.unifi

Hi everyone,
I’ve updated a Home Assistant from version 0.86 to 0.95.4.
I’ve corrected the non-functioning configurations but I still have problem with the device tracker. Config check reports:

Invalid config
Platform not found: device_tracker.unifi

This are the configurations that worked on 0.86 but from error on 0.95.4


device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml


- platform: unifi
  site_id: default
  username: !secret unifi_username
  password: !secret unifi_password
  verify_ssl: false
    track_new_devices: False
    hide_if_away: False

I’ve read dozens of times the page related to the Unifi component but I couldn’t find anything.
Is there anyone who can tell me what to do to resolve?
Thank you very much.

I am having the same issue right now and the tracker is working correctly:

Failed config
  General Errors: 
    - Platform not found: device_tracker.unifi

Seems to be able to work around by stopping and starting hass rather than restarting.

I am having the exact same issue right now.

I have the same issue, but it works fine on my HA instance with no errors. I’m running into the issue with my automated builds on the config check itself. Same error message as @rafuz is getting.

Same problem on 0.96 using the Check Config addon:

Failed config
  General Errors: 
    - Platform not found: device_tracker.unifi

Successful config (partial)

Hass 0.97 will have a merge of unifi config entry and device tracker so this will hopefully be the last release with this issue

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