Invalid login attempt from a Sonos speaker?

I keep getting:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from SonosA.local ( (Linux UPnP/1.0 Sonos/67.1-27100 (ZPS13))

Is my Sonos speaker hacked ? or what is going on?

Me too. This error occurs when trying to play music to a DLNA speaker on Home Assistant 2022.3.8

I am getting this as well.

Sorry to bump this issue, but same thing here with my Sonos Roam when playing a local mp3 from my HA setup (or constantly when this is the last thing in queue).

Reboot of the Roam didn’t help either…

This is pretty annoying as it keeps appearing in the notifications. All while the mp3 file is playing without issues.

Did you manage to resolve this? I am having the same problem

nope, and sadly nobody is responding either…

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Wanted to place my $0.02 also and state that I’ve had this problem for past few months with no resolution; deleting and re-installing the integration, rebooting the Sonos, etc. Don’t even know why the Sonos would have to login to HA.

I may have found a solution to this issue.

All my media sound files that play through my Sonos I renamed to remove spaces, and replaced with an underscore or hyphen. Since having done this, no more login errors I’ve encountered.
Fingers crossed that the spaces was causing the issues.

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