IR and Possible BT control with HAos?

My URC MRX-8 has kicked the bucket so I am looking for a way to control 2 devices, a OPTOMA Darbee1080P projector (old) and a Enclave HTB (first gen). My theater has a Shield TV (2017) along with Optoma and the Enclave. On the URC MRX-8 I was using 2 of the IR outputs to control the Optoma and the Enclave. For the most part I was using the Shield TV app to watch movies after the URC powered the system on and switched the Enclave to the HDMI 1 input. Other inputs I use on the Enclave is the optical for my Sonos Connect. The Enclave has BT control via the Enclave app or via IR. I have read some info on a possible ESP BT Proxy but not sure if that will let me control my Enclave sound system over it. The Optoma only has IR ports (2) on it for control. I also spent several hours trying to get CEC working since the Optoma and the Enclave and the Shield TV all support it but after hours of trying and reading online of all the issues others have with CEC it looks like that is just not an option. So, I am here looking for options to re-automate my HT so that I do not have to rely on a Optoma remote and 2 apps on my phone, not that it is terrible, but just want to see if there is something available to maybe stream-line it a little bit.

Note: I have HAos running on a Intel NUC. Also I have attached a photos of my two devices at the HT headend.