IR receiver with remote_receiver to hold binary_sensor "on" while pressed


I am using remote_receiver as an IR remote addon, and found that remote_receiver / binary_sensor is triggerer only for a short time.

Per documentation “Each time the pre-defined signal is received, the binary sensor will briefly go ON and then immediately OFF.”

I’d love to have the binary_sensor value ON while I hold the IR button and have it in OFF state when/or even shortly after I release it.

Do you know any tricks to accomplish this?

    number: D4
    inverted: true
  # dump:
  #   - lg

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: "$systemName LG Power"
      data: ${LG_power}
      nbits: ${LG_nbits}

Maybe something like this (untested):

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: "$systemName LG Power"
      data: ${LG_power}
      nbits: ${LG_nbits}
      - delayed_off: 1s

How often do the codes send when you hold down the button?

I would try delayed_off with value a few times higher than the interval.

How many times is a reliability/responsiveness trade -off…

No, unfortunately when the button pressed is triggered only once without a repeat. So even if I add delayed_off, and hold the button for e.g. 10 sec, the sensor will be on for ~1 sec.

I see that the IR blaster is receiving the code, yet it just pulses the binary_sensor.

Continuously, have no means to measure it, yet would assume that we can reliably expect one sample every 100ms.
Root cause is not the signal, but the remote_receiver just ignoring further inputs till the samecode is received.