Is a same friendly_name for multiple entities going to cause issues?

I have some devices, for example combined temperature and humidity sensors, which publish multiple values (entites): temperature, humidity, battery level, signal strength.

By default I get sensor.0x[sensor_id]_[battery | temperature | humidity | link]

Initially I renamed them to “living room temperature”, “living room humidity” and so on, but in the graphs this makes no sense: I get temperature graphs where all entities contain “temperature” in their name, it’s redundant.

Is it ok to assign the same friendly_name to all entities for a device? this would make graphs much nicer.

Friendly names are used to display the entity in the UI. They aren’t used to refer to an entity in automations, scripts, etc. So, it seems entirely possible that multiple entities could have the same name without confusing anyone but the user :slight_smile:
In your case, it seems that there shouldn’t be any confusion anyway.

You’ll have issues when moving to a voice assistant. Otherwise no

Good point. I don’t like talking to my machines, so I didn’t think of that.