Is Avatto Smart Touch Switch 6 Gang compatible with tasmota or only with local tuya?


I’m new with this offline stuff… I have on Avatto Smart Touch Switch 6 Gang, JZ-TS16-w6… and I would like to work with that only on my local network, not use Tuya.

As far as I understood I have 2 options: install Local Tuya (lot of work need to do connect the device) or install an Tasmota firmware, if is compatible.

So, anyone could use tasmota on this device?

That’s my device:



I don’t know Tasmato. I know a little of local tuya and don’t like it :wink:
According to the documentation, Local Tuya supports switches so you could try…

See GitHub - rospogrigio/localtuya: local handling for Tuya devices to start

I see… there’s another way to work with Tuya using local network?