Is it possible to assign an MQTT sensor to an area?

I have a number of temperature sensors around the house that publish their values to mqtt. HA has mqtt sensors defined to capture these sensors, but I can’t find a way to assign them to a particular room (area).

Any ideas?

Areas are only available for integrations as faar as I know.

Does anyone know if this is a planned future feature?

I have several MQTT sensors (zigbee2mqtt xiaomi temperature and esprflink temparature) assigned to areas.

@francisp, could you please share how to assign the MQTT sensors to an area?

Ah! see thats the issue. My MQTT sensors dont even appear in the Devices list. It only shows up in the Entities list and the Homekit integrations through config.yaml

MQTT sensors that are defined in yaml don’t show up as devices. You have to write a discovery message to have them discovered as devices.

Ok. I wrote the discovery message. It was detected.
Now I can see the MQTT device state in Developer Tools > State. But I still cant see it in the Devices list.

I’ll give an example of a 433Mhz temperature and humidity sensor


discovery message :

'{"unit_of_measurement":"°C","device_class":"temperature","value_template":"{{ value_json.TEMP }}","state_topic":"rflink/Xiron-3201","name":"eetkamer_temperature","unique_id":"eetkamer_temperature","device":{"identifiers":["xiron_3201"],"name":"xiron_3201","model":"Digoo temp & humidity sensor","manufacturer":"Digoo"}}'

The important part to create a device in the device list is to add a device in your discovery message, the part : “device”:{“identifiers”:[“xiron_3201”],“name”:“xiron_3201”,“model”:“Digoo temp & humidity sensor”,“manufacturer”:“Digoo”}

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Here is what I sent.

  "name": "garage",
  "device_class": "temperature",
  "state_topic": "homeassistant/sensor/garage_metrics",
  "unit_of_measurement": "°F",
  "value_template": "{{ value_json.Temp }}",
  "json_attributes_topic": "garage_metrics",
  "json_attributes_template": "{{ value_json | tojson }}",
	"device": {
		"identifiers": [
		"name": "ESP_MBE_280",
		"model": "ESP BME temp & humidity sensor",
		"manufacturer": "Unusual Doubt"

Here is what I see in Developer Tools -> State

 sensor.garage_humidity	    55	unit_of_measurement: %
                                friendly_name: garage_humidity
                                device_class: humidity
 sensor.garage_temperature	81	unit_of_measurement: °F
                                friendly_name: garage_temperature
 sensor.home_humidity		73	unit_of_measurement: %
								friendly_name: Home Humidity
								device_class: humidity

I reads the JSON properly as you can see it read the values! It shows up nicely in the iOS app. Just wont on the device list!

Thanks for persisting with me on this.

Hi @francisp, wanted to check if you got to check my config. Thanks in advance.

I published this :

  "name": "garage",
  "device_class": "temperature",
  "state_topic": "homeassistant/sensor/garage_metrics",
  "unit_of_measurement": "°F",
  "unique_id": "ESP_BME_280_12345",
  "value_template": "{{ value_json.Temp }}",
  "json_attributes_topic": "garage_metrics",
  "json_attributes_template": "{{ value_json | tojson }}",
	"device": {
		"identifiers": [
		"name": "ESP_MBE_280",
		"model": "ESP BME temp & humidity sensor",
		"manufacturer": "Unusual Doubt"

And I got this :

Edit : best to check the retain checkbox if you try it yourself

How did you add multiple sensors under the same device?

By assigning each sensor to the same device identifier?

Didn’t work. only a single sensor is detected.

The answer was to have different unique_id but same device identifier