I have a binary_sensor group that represents if we are in our home, and I would like to add an input_boolean to represent if a guest is present in the home. Is it possible to combine an input_boolean in a binary_sensor group?
Create a template binary sensor based on the input boolean, then add that to your group.
Or create a YAML group.
I’m pretty new to Home Assistant still, where can I create a template binary sensor?
Either my suggestion of using a Template sensor and Tom’s suggestion of using Groups would need to be added to your configuration.yaml
Here is what I have now, but it seems the binary sensor does not turn on when the input_boolean toggle changes. Do I have something wrong in the state part?
- binary_sensor:
- name: "Guest mode"
state: "{{ is_state_attr('input_boolean.guest_mode', 'value', 'on') }}"
state: "{{ states('input_boolean.guest_mode')|bool }}"
state: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.guest_mode', 'on') }}"
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Thanks, that worked!