Hello. I would like to configure scrape sensor and I expect it will require many interations of configuration until I get to working state. Is it possible to test sensor configuration without constant restarts of whole HA server? Thanks
you can check the validity of the sensor config using the “check configuration” button without restarts…but I’m assuming you mean you want to test the sensor actually returns the desired results without restarts.
So no, that’s not possible.
There is no difference to HA between “testing a sensor” and actually “running a sensor”.
…unless you built it in YAML as a template sensor you can reload selected YAML configs.
To do this go to
Configuration > Server Controls > YAML configuration reloading
Then tap on Template Entities to reload it.
I am using a custom integration that allows me to create template sensors on the fly. No more yaml needed.
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yeah but working fine for me
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