Is there a way to get what triggered a certain device/entity outside an automation?

I know there is a way to get what triggered an automation and for example notify you. But what I have is an automation that turns off the air-conditioner if it reaches certain temperature. And I dont want to execute the actions if I have manually turned it on ( because I turn it on in another automation). Is there a possible way to achieve this behaviour?

The easiest way that I can think of is to add an input_helper e.g. input_boolean.automatic_ac that you turn on when the air conditioner when it is automatically turned on (in whatever automations automatically turn it on), and then have as a condition for you “air condiitoner off” automation that the the input_helper is on, and also turn off the input_helper in that automation.

Post both automations.

Yes, this should be a good workaround/ solution. Thanks!

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