Is there a way to turn a REST device with sensors?

So I have the below rest sensor, and it works, I see the values I’m expecting. But what I would like to do is turn it into a “Device” and has all of the “json_attributes” as sensors under it. Could someone point me in the right direction to do this. I get how to make the attributes as more sensors but I want them all collected under 1 “Device”.

Any help would be appreciated.

  scan_interval: 2
    - name: "Makeup Air Handler"
      unique_id: makeup_air_handler
      value_template: "{{ value_json.cfm }}"
        - "torque"
        - "cfm"
        - "watts"
        - "current"
        - "heaterstatus"
        - "damper"
        - "atticdamper"
        - "whfdamper"
        - "heater"
        - "insidetemp"
        - "outsidetemp"
        - "attictemp"
        - "diffpressure"
        - "filterpressure"
        - "makeupfail"
        - "catfail"
        - "warnings"
        - "target"
        - "extended"
        - "attic"
        - "whfexp"
        - "heaterexp"
        - "hoodlock"
        - "firelock"

You’ve got the most comprehensive device you can have without writing an extension or spinning up an ESPHome device. Having attributes as your additional “sensors” is the best you can do right now unless someone has already written an extension for your needs. For $5 you can buy a DM Mini that serves no purpose other than to relay that data into a series of sensors on the ESPHome device so that you have one single device with all the bells and whistles you like.

Well thats a bummer…

On a secondary item, do you happen to know how I can make sure that anytime the sensor is opened it displays a graph and not just a color bar for the different values?

A sensor requires a unit_of_measurement to display as a line graph rather than a state history bar.

Thank you, that fixed my display issue.