Is there any way to use aliases in custom voice automations?

I have a custom voice automation, which a trigger that includes in [the|our|my] {area}. I’m using this to filter entities by area, using area_entities.

In general it works, but it only works for the original name. It never works for an alias name. I’ve tried all the visible area_* filters, but none of them seem to recognize aliases.

Are aliases not available to templates? I’ve searched on the forums, but can’t seem to find an answer.

It’s not a huge deal, but it would make it much nicer to expand on the core functions if we could do that.

This is a known problem, but it has not yet been solved

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Thanks! It wasn’t showing up for me in my searches.

Honestly, I’d love to see some sort of generic get_entities_by_name(name), which figures out if it’s explicitly named entity, a device, an area, floor, or labels, and can return the most relevant match, maybe with a get_all_entities_by_name(name) which returns any match across any type of name.