Is there really no way to delete a webhook?

Long story short had to do a reinstall and ended up with what looks like an orphaned webhook.

I suspect it is from the Samsung Integration (nabu casa). Is there a way to tell?

Looks like webhooks can not be deleted in HA from the cloud config in the UI. I tried both samsung apps (classic and new) to delete the integration (even deleted the app). Tried deleting via browser access…all no luck. Looks like there is a python script to delete but that looks to be for pure HA python installs and I am using docker.

Options? There has got to be a way to delete it. …sample log entries below

2020-05-12 07:34:31 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:34:39 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:35:08 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:35:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:35:57 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:36:04 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:36:12 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

2020-05-12 07:36:34 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook 113f62e7c90a6bb80f57297ccadc7a97f68005917e6908c916ce90cd5a0484cb

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did you find solutions to this problem? Cant find where the requests coming from

I did not. Though they seem to dissipate in number over time.

Since a few releases ago the log message should actually include the source of the request. You can get even more details by adjusting the log level like this:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.webhook: debug

Anyways, this is not something you can remove in Home Assistant. It’s the remote service that makes use of the webhook that needs to stop sending these requests. Home Assistant always accepts these requests and logs them. Which is a good thing. That way you know there still is something sending data to your machine.

So for example if you enable integration xyz that subscribes to events from the cloud-service abc, abc will keep sending these messages unless instructed to stop, or they have some mechanism to stop themselves.
Ideally the relevant integration should unsubscribe the webhook when it is disabled. But this won’t happen if the system is rebuilt from scratch (skipping the unsubscribing essentially).

Anyways, although this might be annoying, it’s nothing to worry about. Home Assistant won’t react to these requests unless you reuse the webhook id.

Actually, this is from my log trying to restart with the latest 0.112.4 last night. It just says “from cloud” …which technically, wouldn’t that be all webhooks? I haven’t tried configuring the logger yet, so maybe the source would be more obvious if I did that…

2020-07-09 18:22:10 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook ff8e10c8fc207bb8759b3… from cloud
2020-07-09 18:22:17 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook ff8e10c8fc207bb8759b3… from cloud
2020-07-09 18:22:32 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook ff8e10c8fc207bb8759b3… from cloud
2020-07-09 18:22:43 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook ff8e10c8fc207bb8759b3… from cloud

In any event, I’m pretty certain this is coming from the Samsung Smarthings Integration…and there doesn’t appear to be any way to remove the webhook from that side.

Ideally the relevant integration should unsubscribe the webhook when it is disabled. But this won’t happen if the system is rebuilt from scratch (skipping the unsubscribing essentially)

This appears to be the issue. It seems certain integrations break if HA doesn’t restart properly. I’ve experienced this frequently with the Smartthings & ecobee integrations (…at some point I’ll track down what’s going on under the hood). When HA finally comes up, all of the devices associated with the integration will be missing and the only way I’ve found to restore them is to remove the integration then re-install. …at some point during this process the webhook msgs sometimes start to pile up.

Ah, this seems to be a special case. The relevant code is here. Cloudhooks seem to be webhooks, but with something different details which I don’t know about.
In any case though you should get a message with the first 64 characters of the payload when you turn on the debug mode. That might help in identifying the source of the request.

Thanks for the code link! Always helps to understand what’s really going on.


Thank you for updating logger and providing the config detail. I’m trying to eradicate a webhook that seems to originate from the RPi 4 that HassOS 5.4 is installed on. The debug lines were added to my configuration file. No additional information has shown up since doing so. The error reads:

Received message for unregistered webhook 58890927bc14aeb7cac9542e5a20aa481294e0ae7298fab770fac8bc2b3c9171 from

I’m assuming the error is originating on the RPi because of address. Any idea how I locate and remove this webhook?


Did you restart Home Assistant afterwards? The code has not changed, so you should be seeing the debug information. :man_shrugging:

The doesn’t necessarily mean it’s originating from the same host. For example if you also are using a reverse proxy, every request that is going through it will seem to be originating from

Yes, I restarted HA following addition of the the debug lines. I do see debug information for other webhooks but nothing related to the one I’m trying to track down.

HA is running on a RPi 4+ with HassOS 5.4. Thanks for the insight on reverse proxy. I’ve not created any nor I’m I aware of any that were created by other means (Integrations perhaps?)

Thanks for getting back to me…

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That’s odd. You should at least see a debug message with ... as the content if the request has no data. And knowing the reuqest has no data still is better than knowing nothing about it.

I don’t use HassOS, so I don’t know much of the details. But I can imagine that the Ingress-function used to authenticate at add-ons depends on such a mechanism. And possibly also other add-ons. But for that someone with HassOS knowledge has to step in.

It took some digging, but I’ve figured out where the issue is!

When the Home Assistant Remote Control integration is enabled, the warnings occur. When disabled, they stop. Seems there’s an issue with the HassOS 5.4 image that needs to be addressed. I’ll raise this issue in the appropriate forum.