It uses an mpu6050 to calculate an angle of the device while floating in a liquid.
I’ve installed it now, but the accelerometer returns NaN% in the log, and subsequently, I cant use it.
I imagine it could be the addressvariable for the mpu6050 that is causing issues. The documentation says to “Manually specify the I²C address of the sensor. Defaults to 0x68 .” MPU6050 Accelerometer/Gyroscope Sensor — ESPHome
But how do I find out what the address should be? What else could be the issue?
I have the 2.69 PCB, and am trying to integrate it in ESPHome.
Voltage and percent are correct, but angles are shown as -nan.
I gues the challenge is that I am required to use GPIO# rather than D3/D4.
Any idea how they translate?