@Footz355, Now there is BLE implementation for the same and works great. You can try daly bms smart support ( blue version ) · Issue #145 · patman15/BMS_BLE-HA · GitHub
This is still in testing and will be released soon.
@Footz355, Now there is BLE implementation for the same and works great. You can try daly bms smart support ( blue version ) · Issue #145 · patman15/BMS_BLE-HA · GitHub
This is still in testing and will be released soon.
Hi everyone,
I’m using an ESPHome configuration I found on the Home Assistant community forum to integrate my BMS. Everything is working as expected, except for the balancer current.
In my case, the balancer current (id: balancecurrent
) shows as 30mA, but the BMS itself indicates it should be 0mA. This discrepancy makes me wonder if there’s an issue with the Modbus configuration, scaling, or interpretation of the values.
- platform: template
id: balancecurrent
name: "Balance Current" # 0x4E register
- multiply: 0.001
accuracy_decimals: 0
unit_of_measurement: "mA" # guessing
device_class: battery
state_class: measurement
icon: mdi:scale-unbalanced
The value seems to be read from register 0x4E using Modbus.
My Questions:
multiply: 0.001
) or register assignment be incorrect for this specific BMS?Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! If additional details are needed, let me know.
According to the register sheet unit is 0.1A, so the correct conversion to mA should be multiply 100, which doesn’t make sense?
Reading modbus serial data one way or another doesn’t affect accuracy anyhow.
Only thing missing here is CRC check. So data could be corrupted giving totally non-sense values.
Hi. I can not understand why it takes 5-10 minutes… So it happens every time you reboot esp32? I try to assemble the same but I do not use the RS485 yet (I use UART) and it worked some how 1 day but now it reads data partially
Does your solution work stable? I mean does it reboot itself periodycally?
My solution was ok some time
Now it works again - weird.
Wow, thanks for the tip. Just managed to get it to work after understanding ESPHome bluetooth proxy. Thank you!
@Working really well for me. Only issue is esp32 gets disconnected sometimes then need to reboot esp32.