It’s running on a usb SSD attached to a rpi4 with 1GB ram - its been fine for a year and now it’s become nightmare (especially as its freezing cold right now). It’s a very basic system controlling a few wiz lights, tasmota plugs for heaters, zigbee temp sensors and localTyua radiator.
I was hoping updating to the latest version would solve somethings but whenever I try the update fails without any error messages and just reboots back to the current verison. I’ve been trying to do a staged upate via the terminal ha core update --verison 2024.12.0 but that also just says processing for a while and then nothing…
I don’t really know where to start looking for issues casung this, especially as nothing has changed. Any suggestions what to look for in the logs would be great - thanks!
Finally is it possible to create a fresh install of HA and update to the lastest verison and then apply a backup without reverting back to the OS from the backup?
The core Home Assistant version will revert whatever the backup contains.
To retain the core version instead of restoring the the backup you would have to open it and copy the entire contents of your /config folder from the backup to the clean system (including hidden folders). Then reinstall any add-ons you had as only integrations and config will be restored via this method.
That is very likely not enough memory and the cause of your issues.
Other possible issues: power supply. The recommended power supply may not be able to provide enough power for your system and your SSD.
Thanks for the responses, good to find out before wasting time doing another install.
I have switched to a 100W psu and thought that might have solved things, no rebooting! However on closer inspection the system crashed after an hour and didnt restart as can be seen in the memory use history amungst other histories.
unfortunately the logs have all been reset with the reboot, is there a way to retain this history so I can check what happened right before the crash?
I’ve been running HA on this pi for over a year and it’s only recently starting causing such issues. Do the newer versions need mroe RAM? maybe it’s best to restore to backup from 6months ago when it was stable. Unfortunately I don’t have the cash for new hardward at the moment