Issue with Alexa proactive state reporting

I am having issues with the Alexa proactive state reporting for Home Assistant Cloud, which I believe was implemented in 0.95.

Initially, this appeared to work, and a binary sensor with a class of “door” was triggering an Alexa routine as expected but, today, I found it had stopped working (I am now on 0.96 but I don’t know if this has anything to do with it). I then found that if I went into Configuration > Home Assistant Cloud and turned “Enable State Reporting” off and back on it started working again.

Later, I restarted the server, and found that it stopped working again. Once again, I turned “Enabled State Reporting” off and back on and it started working again.

So, it seems like the state reporting is getting disabled when Home Assistant restarts (even though the interface is still showing it as enabled).