Issue with delayed notifications coming from HA

Frigate, entity notifications are delayed by 15mins currently.
Have on android app set to persistent connection set to always.

Connected to remote server via URL.
Is there a setting I need to set in HA to deliver notifications instantly?

Assuming the automation is firing on time then the notification delivery may not be using the websocket.

It’s the strangest thing. Sometimes it’s Johnny on the spot, and sometimes it is delayed.
How do I go about verifying the notification delivery is using websocket?

In the settings there is a notification history section which shows.

Nothing in my HA logs about messaging.

If you look in the notification section of the settings in companion app, there you can see after every message an FCM or Websocket. FCM is the firebase messaging, Websocket well … should be clear :wink:

Got it. I see websocket messages, so it appears to be using the correct messaging system?
Is there a way to make the notifications more real time?

Do you use the notify.mobile_app_xxx service? If yes, here is a sample of how i use it:

    - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_mike
        message: this is my test message
          ttl: 0
          priority: high

With ttl: 0 and priority: high the message will notify even the screen is locked, for me it works instant in all use cases.

That’s awesome, do I just edit those notifications, and add this to each notification?

Tried adding it to the YAML of my frigate notification blueprint and the whole thing got jacked up.