Issue with google_say tts with templates

      - service: tts.google_say
        entity_id: media_player.speakers
          message: >
            De {{state_attr("calendar.2020_fia_formula_one_world_championship_race_calendar", "message")}} begint over tien minuten 
          cache: false
          language: 'nl'

this used to work however since recently, this started to give strange result.
it seems it’s converted to html before being translated to voice , as in the spoken text I hear a lot of %20 occurring where the spaces are. Also the template doesn’t work, but I can’t quite make what it made from it.

I’ve tried the template in the template section and in there it renders perfectly.

Looks like it’s fixed in 113.3:

Does anyone know what the google tts problem is.
If I use a template to read the sensor data, random errors will occur and the text will not be read. If I use plain text as the message, the errors are the same. A few starts and almost half will return with an error.