Issue with Overview strange items that cant be removed

i was reconnecting one of my power plug to different wifi… the result is

any idea whats that and how can i get rid of it?


I assume you are using an auto-generated dashboard?

Because if not you just edit the card and delete the old entities from it.

If you are using an auto-generated dashboard you will have to delete the entities from the Configuration / Entities list.

hi, its auto-gen i just customized the order of items/cards.

If i go to Configuration/Entities
there is no swich.tyb item
also no sensor.tyb …

so its seems its Broken.

when i click to edit Overview i cant edit items inside Rooms/Zones… only zones / rooms to move them etc… this is ODD.

no idea if thats connection with the issue

also reading lamp was inside the Living room and now its as separate 2 cards ;(((

and also i reconfigured alarm and getting another “error”

its not there even
binary_sensor …

these marked as not Avail
are not there

seems as bug or idk

Hmm, Ok. So you just need to force the auto generated Lovelace dashboard to refresh.

Try these:

  1. While looking at the page with the missing entities press Ctrl + F5 to clear your bowser cache. If that does not work try,

  2. Click the three dots icon in the top right corner of the dashboard, is there a reload option there? If not,

  3. Try restarting home assistant.


  1. doesnt work
  2. there is no such an option
  3. i did but same results…

Ok try deleting the file:


And restart home assistant.

i can try, does it mean it will remove all my customization of lovelace?

Wait a minute.

I thought you said you were using the auto generated Lovelace dashboard. I just read this again:

So you have taken control. In that case:

i dont know how to do that. I cant edit content of card? only order of the cards…hm

Click the three dots icon top right, select edit dashboard. You must have done this to rearrange the cards?

Then click the EDIT button under the card you want to remove the entities from.

oh got it and it works! thank you so much , i dont know why i didnt see these dots/edit as per card.

sorry for my stupidity and appreciate your help so much!

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