After moving my HA install from a Docker container in unRAID to one on a RPi 4 4GB I struggle with connection issues and most of my appliances dropping offline almost immediately or not being recognized at all.
The only things I changed are the Docker image which on unRAID was by linuxserver, whereas on the RPi is now the first-party (linuxserver dosn’t have armarch image), and the SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus is now at the end of a 50cm USB-extension, but sits at basically the exact same position.
Upon starting the new container, HA greeted me with having recognized a Zigbee device and I installed Zigbee that way. I then told it to start with a new configuration and started pairing in the UI, attempting to add my appliances. An IKEA Styrbar remote is basically the only thing that works fully. It requires devices to be within 10cm for pairing which before seemed not to be an issue (currently, I can’t connect the bulbs on the ceiling just 2m away). Other switches like this one get recognized but have no entities. Ikea Tradfri motion sensor disconnect easily. The GLEDOPTO ZigBee Controllers show up and light up in the color shown in the web UI, but I am unable to change anything in it, not even turn them off.
I’ve disabled 2.4GHz on my router and that seems to help with reception. The IKEA remote that works does so from anywhere in my 40m² flat. However, it does seem to lose connection to the other switches and some of the motion sensors by just closing the door that blocks the direct sight line. Some stay connected, though.
I am at a loss here. The Sonos thumb drive is only a few months old, after my old one died after just over two years.
Here are two logs I pulled from my Zigbee thumb drive: THF-Cloud