Issues with Gledopto controller in an automation

Hi there,

I hope I chose the correct category. If not, pls move it.

My first project was to put light into my closet. I have four doors in my closet. One door opens - and the light is supposed to turn on.
I have installed aqara door/windows sensors.
I got myself this Gledopto Controller: GL-C-002P.
Weirdly - the controller is identified as Gledopto GL-C-008P, so a different version than what is printed on it.
I have LED strips connected to the controller. One for each part of the closet.

  • Left door is connected to the RED. It opens. Light is turned on to RED. Works.
  • The next one to GREEN. It opens. Light is turned on to GREEN. Works.
  • The 3rd one to BLUE. It opens. Light is turned on to BLUE. Works.
  • That leaves one door - and here is my issue coming. It is connected to C on the Gledopto controller. I just cannot manage to get the light on in that part of the closet. At least not via Automation. And I have played around a lot. I just don’t get the settings straight in HA - for the automation.
    If I go to the zigbee settings and set a color (I just tried around and choose ORANGE from the predefined colors (RGB: 255, 136,13) - see picture, then it works.

What would the settings in the automation need to be? Or did I make mistake with the wiring? Then I do not understand I can make it work when manually selecting orange, but not as part of an automation.

Happy about any tipps and advices :slight_smile: