Hi, I’m a newbie to Home Assistant, so not sure if I post this in proper category (if not. please guide me where I should put this post)
I have couple of Qubino Flush Thermostats which I use for my heating system. The older ones (ZMNHIDx) work without issues, but I have some difficulties to set up the newer ones (ZMNKIDx, marketed as “Flush Thermostat 2”).
They seem to work properly, except that They have issues when switching them from “OFF” to “ON” (Heat) mode. At first I thought that there is something wrong with the modules (I have two of them), but after some investigation I found that to make them switch modes properly I need to restart the Home Assistant itself.
So if the mode is “OFF” and I press the “Heating” button (the little fire on the center-left at the bottom), device doesn’t react ( I can’t set temperature for example - see attached picture).
But if I then go to the settings>system and then make an restart, boom! the mode is correct and I can set the temperature (and it turns on/off the heating properly according to the temperature) - see second picture:
I can set the temperature, everything works fine.
Temp sensor works properly regardless of the setting (ON of OFF), the only issue is switching the state.
I did reconfiguration of the device and it didn’t help, the only way to have proper info about the current mode is to restart HA itself.
Should I report it as a HA bug or something like that?
I found that updatiing device values also works.
In the meantime I see that sometimes device updates after changing mode by itself, sometimes not.
As a workaround I created an automation to refresh device values, but I do have a problem with setting the trigger.
I don’t want to refresh values on the time pattern, but only when device is ordered to chage state (i.e. by pressing a on/off button on the device panel). Any Idea how to set up such trigger?
First, I run periodic timed automations on all line powered zwave devices to refresh them, as I want to be confident that the state is correct. I do this every 10 minutes, with a random delay to stagger the polls.
Second, I have a zwave fan controller, that acts like your thermostat, when I turn on from HA, the switch state does not update, This problem was fixed by zwavejs2mqtt. I did implement a complex workaround (which isn’t applicable for your use case). However, I believe there is a simple way to run an automation as the result of a service call. All the climate actions result in service calls.
Get the right event, delay for 1 seconds or so and poll.
It’s also worthwhile capturing a zwavejs2mqtt debug log, having one of the experts here look at it, and see if it’s a bug.
I have a problem that might be related. I have the same thermostat which look like this in HA:
When looking the lower graph below I can se that the temperature in the room is never below 10 degrees. I’m also measuring the power consumption for the heater that is controlled by the thermostat and the upper graph below shows that it is heating the room…
Do you suggest that switching from zwave.js to zwavejs2mqtt can help?
Can you guide me how to get debug log?
The funny thing is that in the meantime the newer ones started to work properly.
I don’t know why, maybe recent updates of HA and/or Zwavejs fixed something?
But it seems that HA has some issues with thermostat devices in general - I have some TRV’s (Eurotronic Spirit, FLIRS devices) and part of them don’t update temperature readings (fortunately refreshing z-wave values works for them).
I have also some very old Qubino Thermostat (from the first series) with issues as well (in this case I can’t set the heating temperature), but for that I’ll create a new thread.
Check in the device configuration if you don’t have any offset on the temperature readings and what temp you have set for antifreeze parameter.
It might be that you have antifreeze set for some high temp and this is why it turns on.
But it seems that it turns on/off regardless of temerature for very short periods of time, I don’t have much idea why?
I have not updated the antifreeze parameter at all. 50 was the default value which corresponds to 5.0 °C which is a good value in my case.
Should I change anything?
Looks good…
I don’t know why you have such peaks in the power consumption. Are those peaks even correspond to the power consumption of connected device?
I was wondering if they correspond to the actual power consumption of the device (heater) Is it about 1200W?
Did you check if the heater actually turns on at the time when those peaks appear?
Anyway, strange, and I don’t have any idea why it is like that
Well, the room that is controlled by this thermostat is actually a small house with one room. The temperature inside vs outdoor can be seen in this graph:
I would say that something is warming up the room. My guess is that it is the heater controlled by the thermostat.
During winter I don’t need it this warm.
But that is not how it should work…
And if you check the graphs above (where you are comparing the power consumption with temperature) the power consumption peaks doesn’t seem to have any influence on the temperature curve.
If thermostat worked properly, the temp. curve should be closely around the set temperature, and if the ambient temperature is higher, then the device should be siimply off all the time.
I agree that temperature does not increase when power is consumed in graph. Still I can measure consumed energy on the heater. Not much but still more than 0. Let us see what happens when it gets colder.
Thanks for being a speaking partner in my situation!