JSON Challenge: Need Help Building a List using REST Sensor

Step 1: Connect to and authenticate against a JSON endpoint at Teamwork.com. :white_check_mark: COMPLETE

Step 2: Connect HA to that resource through the REST platform. :white_check_mark: COMPLETE

- platform: rest
  resource: https://subdomain.teamwork.com/tasklists.json
  method: GET
  name: Tasks
  authentication: basic
  username: blahblahblah
  password: X
    - ?
    - ?

Step 3: Create a dynamic list from the data and display it in Lovelace :heavy_check_mark: Not done.


Do we have any geniuses out there who know how to do this?

Hypothetical JSON:

            "DESCRIPTION":"Water Plants",
                    "DESCRIPTION":"Get Hose"
                    "DESCRIPTION":"Turn on water",

The goal would be to iterate through the data, building headings for tasks and listing sub-tasks below the headings, then display it in the UI.

Water Plants

  • Get Hose
  • Turn on Water

Anyone know how to accomplish this?