I have a Renogy Rover and a Juntek KG-F, but was not happy with the various solutions. I currently have a RPi reading the Renogy over BT, and the Junctek over RS485 (Wayyy more reliable, the USB to RS485 was cheap and 100% worth it).
I have created a Python script (heavily inspired from ard00d’s work on the Renogy Rover) that can read the Junctek data (over BT, not recommended, or RS-485), and publishes the data to MQTT for Home Assistant.
First time with Python and it’s a quick’n’dirty 11PM job, but it works fantastic. Feel free to edit/fork or whatever!
I am running it on a dedicated remote RPi, not on the same machine as HA. Follow hard00d’s steps to install it. However, I don’t know how to run this script on the same machine as HA, I heard it is to be avoided to run side code/script, HA machine (HAOS, Docker, VM) should not be used for sideloading code.
Had tried to run on RP3B and always get an error about Yaml not found on line 10 of the BTjuntek.py. Followed all instructions as per Readme file. Any help available?