Kaiterra Integration Issues, silently failing?

New-ish to HA but loving it so far. Was happy to see there was an official integration for my Kaiterra LaserEgg. The set up steps look fairly straight forward, and yet I’m somehow encountering troubles.

  api_key: 'Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi'
    - device_id: '6xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxc'
      type: 'laseregg'

Sounds like all I need based on the docs. Some of the specifics for the cloud side seem to have changed, such as going to Your Account -> API Keys rather than Settings -> Profile -> Developer. Nothing explicitly says device_id on the Kaiterra dashboard, but I assume the long UUID looking value associated with my only device is it.

Home Assistant considers the config valid, but on my HA dashboard all the sensors show up as unavailable. I’ve checked the logs (/config/logs) and loaded the full, and no errors related to this integration. I’ve validated this behavior in a separate fresh install of HA as well.

Looking to hear from others who have this integration working or for general HA troubleshooting steps I may have overlooked. Will happily open a PR for the docs if needed.

So, with 0 action on my part it seems to have spontaneously started working. I have since configured the google maps integration, but doubt that caused Kaiterra to start working. Unless it just needed additional reboots. The historical data starts in the middle of the night. So I guess the lesson is just to sit tight and hope?

One thing to know is that the Kaiterra integration apparently needs to connect to API services in China, even if you’re signed up via the .com site, rather than the .cn version.

At least, when I turned on Country Restrictions in my firewall and added China to the list, the Kaiterra integration stopped working. When I removed China from the blocklist, it started working again. I had similar issues just logging into the Kaiterra Dashboard when blocking was enabled for China.

Something to consider when using these devices, I suppose, and yet another argument for fully local access and control.