First attempt at using HA today. I have installed in a Docker container on a Pi4. Have managed to access and set my geographical location etc. I have tried to add new integration for a couple of Kasa devices - a KP105(UK) and a KP115(UK). These work perfectly in the Android Kasa app. but the “add integration” module returns Aborted, No devices found on network. What am I missing?
I notice that there has been some controversy concerning the TP-Link api. Is this still a problem?
I’m keen to use HA but this appears to be a bit of a show stopper.
Is the container in the same network (broadcast domain) as the devices? The discovery uses broadcast for discovery, so it won’t work if the devices do not share the network. If you are running the most recent release (2021.10.0, from today) you should be able to input the IP address manually to get them integrated.
The new encryption method is used by some new UK devices (HS***), it remains unknown if this is being implemented on other devices at the moment. That is not currently supported by any of the released homeassistant versions, but that may change in the future when gets done.
Thanks for that. Definitely on the same network and visible to nmap. I can’t be on the latest version as I can see no way to input the ips manually. I’ve now discovered python-kasa and tried it out. It cannot find the devices either but does allow me to query them, switch on and off ip. Seems I might be better waiting for the new release of the library.
Thanks again