Keep "turned-off" switch symbol in UI if the phyisical switch is used instead of having it show "unavailable"?

I have my ikea tradfri lights set up as light groups which show up as follows:

When the physical light switch is turnd off the lights appear as Unavailable. When the lights are switched back on again the switch symbol returns to its correct state. My Question can I change this behaviour? Is there a possibility to keep the “turned-off” switch symbol if the phyisical switch is used instead of having it show “unavailable”?

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The problem you have here is that when the light is turned off with the hard-wire switch, it is unavailable. You cannot switch it on via homeassistant (or any other ‘smart’ means) until it is reconnected to the power.

You need to cover up your 20th century switches and stop using them :slight_smile:

haha, and which 21th century switches would you recommend? Fact is I still need physical switches.

I understand that the behavior I am seeing is absolutly correct in the sense that it is currently unavailable and I know taht I cannot switch it back on if it is cut off of power. None the less I was wondering if there is the possibility in form of a data template or so to hack this correct behavior into something visually more pleasing? :slight_smile:

For me, it’s more important to have a notice (unavailable) that someone has flicked the switch or something else has otherwise gone wrong so I can fix it. Otherwise how do you know someone has screwed up?

I’ve just covered over the old switches and put hue dimmer switches either next to them, or (surprisingly in most cases) in a far more convenient place compared to the original switches placement.

For some reason this house has nearly all of the doors opening in to the room instead of up to the wall, so the light switches were in the corner, but you loose a chunk of the room when the door is open and you can’t use the space by the wall anyway. I’ve just turned the door around and put a hue switch on the opposite side (which is now the correct side), and job done. Then in an emergency, all of the old switches are still there, just behind the door with some ornamental thing or other over it.