I would like to use keyboard hotkeys to launch HA scripts.
The hotkeys will be pressed from three different machines:
- A linux machine running Ubuntu
- A Windows 10 laptop
- A Windows 10 PC.
Anyone know if this is possible?
I would like to use keyboard hotkeys to launch HA scripts.
The hotkeys will be pressed from three different machines:
Anyone know if this is possible?
Do you mean system-wide shortcuts?
If so, besides the OS-specific way to actually trigger a command, you can use REST API | Home Assistant Developer Docs to interact with HA.
Thanks Chris, I’ve had a quick look at your suggestion, maybe that will work for me. I’d need to read more into it.
Not sure by what you mean by system-wide shortcuts.
My use-case is complicated. I have a HDMI switcher which is IR based. I want to send three different IR codes to switch HDMI inputs for each of my computers connected to the HDMI switcher. I’m using a Broadlink IR transmitter in HA for this.
So, I want to use three keyboard hotkeys on each computer to activate three separate automations within HA.
I am sharing the keyboard via the synergy KVM software application.
Not sure if you have resolved in meantime but I think webbooks in combination with CURL is exactly what you need.
Here info about webhooks with CURL example:
Automation Trigger - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
CURL for windows (if you do not have): curl for Windows
Then to link command to windows shortcut: Open programs with keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 - CNET
On Ubuntu link the CURL like the following: Four Ways to get Instant Access to a Terminal in Linux (howtogeek.com)
All mentioned above is right. On Windows though to create GET and POST requests you can use some batch magic that doesn’t require any extra binaries to be installed: winhttpjs.bat. The usage is nicely presented in this reply on stackoverflow: httpwebrequest - http web request from batch file - Stack Overflow