Kioks Mode: User and Entitie (Switch in Dashboard)

Hello everyone,

First of all, I would like to apologize for what is probably a very simple question. I’m just starting out and not yet familiar with YAML. I can’t seem to find an answer through Google, perhaps because the community here is primarily English-speaking. I’m probably just searching incorrectly.

I’ve installed the HACS extension ‘Kiosk Mode’, and it seems to be working fine.

I would like to be able to control the kiosk mode for each user via the dashboard depending on a switch, but I can’t seem to integrate the options for the switch and the user in YAML.

I’ve tried that, but it doesn’t work like that.

    - entity:
        input_boolean.kioks_mode_admin: 'on'
      hide_sidebar: true
    - users:
        - "admin"      
    - entity:
        input_boolean.kioks_mode_bernd: 'on'
      hide_sidebar: true
    - users:
        - "bernd"      
    - entity:
        input_boolean.kioks_mode_kathrin: 'on'
      hide_header: true
    - users:
        - "kathrin"      

Is that even possible?

I thank you very much for your help in advance. Many, many thanks.

Best regards, Bernd


Can Anybody help me?

greets, Bernd