KNX, automation, multiple services in one action do not work

Hi all,

I do use HA with my KNX installation.
When I call multiple services in one action, only one service is used.

service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.Licht_Flur_KG
entity_id: light.Licht_Esszimmer_Stehlampe
entity_id: light.Licht_Wohnzimmer_Stehlampe

only the first light is turned on.
Is it a specific problem with KNX, because the telegrams follow each other too fast?
Is it possible to insert a delay/break between the services?

Thank you.

It looks like you attempted to format your YAML code correctly, but it didn’t work. Do this in the future instead:

  service: light.turn_on


I.e., put three “back tick” characters on a line before and after the block.

Your problem is you are specifying the entity_id parameter multiple times instead of providing a list of multiple values to one entity_id parameter. Try this:

  service: light.turn_on
    - light.Licht_Flur_KG
    - light.Licht_Esszimmer_Stehlampe
    - light.Licht_Wohnzimmer_Stehlampe