KNX Button doesn't work

I want to use the KNX Button: instead switch:
I write all in the configuration.yaml, the switch works, but when I try to use the button: i got the answer “Property button is not allowed”. I use the Version 2021.12.7. Have anybody an idea?

The vscode plugin is not up to date. Just ignore it and let HA check your configuration at reload of the KNX integration or restart.

Thanks a lot for the fast reply. It works, but normally under a push I understand that:
As long I press it will send the command True and when I stop to press its will send the command False.
On the KNX Bus
And now it send only true the actor starts to run, but didn’t stop. So I have no chance to reset. Have you a idea to solve it?

No. Thats the way buttons are implemented in HA. They just do something on press - no hold, release, double-press, hover, external-pressed etc.

For your specific needs you can search eg. for the term “momentary switch” - there are some custom cards etc. that may do the trick.
Or use a switch. Depends on the specific need.