I’m trying to get my KNX devices set up. The devices were installed in the apartment we bought, but there is no documentation with them. I’ve installed a Weinzierl 730 and am using “ayMonitor KNX”, an iPad app to sniff the network to try and figure out what is going on.
My lights work so far (apart from the dimming, which is not yet supported by the KNX plugin) and I’m now trying to figure out the blinds. As far as I can tell, there are Hager TX302 units in the wall switches (which have 2 buttons, up and down, attached to them). Then there are Hager TX224 units driving the actual roller shutters. When I push the buttons, I get the following pattern:
- A command which makes the shutter move (up or down) shows traffic for 10/4/49
- A command which makes the shutter stop shows traffic for 10/4/50
So I’ve set the device up as:
- platform: knx
name: "Kitchen Blind"
updown_address: 10/4/49
stop_address: 10/4/50
Result is I get a cover UI element which has an Up and Stop button, with the down button greyed out. I also get regular log messages saying:
ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.components.knx] Kitchen Blind: attribute 'getposition' undefined
These seem to be the only knx-related log messages I get, unless I am looking in the wrong place (/config/home-assistant.log
on hass.io).
Any ideas? Is there a hidden address for the controller I somehow need to discover (and how?).