KNX Dimming with 5 addresses

Hi, I’m a complete newbie when it comes to KNX and HA so bear with me. I’ve been reading through both KNX and HA integration documentation but I haven’t come across an example that uses 5 KNX addresses for dimming lights. How it works on my switches is that a short press goes directly between 0% and 100% and a long press starts the dimming and it stops on release. I only have access to a XML export of my group addresses. Here is an example of a dimmable light:

      <GroupAddress Name="301 SW" Address="1/1/0" />
      <GroupAddress Name="301 RS" Address="1/1/1" />
      <GroupAddress Name="301 DIM" Address="1/1/2" />
      <GroupAddress Name="301 VAL" Address="1/1/3" />
      <GroupAddress Name="301 VAL RS" Address="1/1/4" />

Any help is highly appreciated on how to do the config correctly in HA. Thank you!

Current config which is not working correctly. If dimmed from the switch the state is not reflected correctly in HA. Basic switching on/off works as well as dimming in HA.

    - name: "301"
      address: "1/1/0"
      state_address: "1/1/1"
      brightness_address: "1/1/3"
      brightness_state_address: "1/1/4"

This is not supported by HA. Only sending percent directly.
So just omit 1/1/2

Most actuators are configurable to send their new state after relative dimming to the %-status address (1/1/4). If this is not configured HA can’t know the new percentage value.

If the group object has a read flag set (so it responds correctly) HA will however read it in the next hour once and thus update.