Knx HVAC group objects

Hi everyone
I am a beginner in this job, but I managed to create a working system in home assistant. But I got to the heating and got stuck here. I have a KNX system, and my actuator it is very unusual i think, i didn’t find any information for setting up this type of actuators. Maybe someone can help me to link this objects.

    - name: "Kitchen"
      temperature_address: "5/1/1"    - i am thinking this is a temperature value from a thermometer
      setpoint_shift_address: "5/1/2"
      setpoint_shift_state_address: "5/1/3"
      target_temperature_state_address: "5/1/4"
      operation_mode_address: "5/1/5"
      operation_mode_state_address: "5/1/6"

And here is my actuator group objects

Hi :wave:!
It would help to see what GAs are connected to those objects - so one can check your existing config.
Also what manufacturer, model is the actuator?

temperature_address: “5/1/1” - i am thinking this is a temperature value from a thermometer


The only GA connected is the temperature address, what should i connect to?
The Actuator it is Hager TXM646T

This is an actuator without integrated regulator (unlike the TXM646R for example).
The HA Knx climate entity is meant to communicate with a regulator, not a plain heating actuator.
A plain actuator manages conversion of % value to PWM signal.
A regulator calculates % value from current and target temperature over time.

ok and what should i do?

Get a regulator.

Some options:

  • maybe you already have one in your system (logic engine, wall switch, room thermostat etc)
  • buy a Knx regulator
  • use HA as regulator

Why is the current actuator not linked to anything? Is this a new building? Who did plan the setup / choose the actuator?

I have some KNX Multitouch Pro Merten pannel
It is a new building, proiect and i made it myself whit very small knowledge.

Well, if their application provides regulators use them.
Otherwise consider changing your actuators to one of

  • Gira 212900
  • MDT AKH-0600.03 (or the 4 or 8 fold variant)

Luckily the actuators were replaced. Now I have Gira 212900 model.
Could you please help me with the pairings?
Home assistant
temperature_address: “A”
setpoint_shift_address: “B”
setpoint_shift_state_address: “C”
target_temperature_state_address: “D”
operation_mode_address: “E”
operation_mode_state_address: “F”

Gira Actuator
|327|Controller 1 - input|Presence button|1 bit|switch “a”
|322|Controller 1 - input|Operating mode switch-over|1 byte|HVAC mode “b”
|326|Controller 1 - input|Operating mode forced-control|1 byte|HVAC mode “c”
|336|Controller 1- output|Current setpoint shifting|1 byte|counter pulses (-128…127) “d”
|337|Controller 1- input|Preset setpoint shifting|1 byte|counter pulses (-128…127) “e”
|357|Controller 1- output|Command value for heating|1 byte|percentage (0…100%) “f”
|320|Controller 1- input|Basic setpoint|2 bytes|temperature (°C) “g”
|334|Controller 1- output|Set temperature|2 bytes|temperature (°C) “h”
|381|Controller 1- output|Actual-temperature|2 bytes|temperature (°C) “i”
|382|Controller 1- input|Received temperature 1 (temperature sensor 1)|2 bytes|temperature (°C) “j”

Multitouch pro
|238|Temperature alarm (resultant)|1 bit|1-bit, switch |1|
|221|Frost/heat protection input|1 bit|1-bit, switch |2|
|222|Frost/heat protection output|1 bit|1-bit, switch |3|
|224|Status|1 bit|1-bit, switch |4|
|239|Floor temperature alarm|1 bit|1-bit, switch |5|
|219|Operation mode input|1 byte|DHW mode |6|
|240|Correcting variable heating (basic level)|1 byte|8-bit unsigned value, percentage (0…100%) |7|
|225|Status 1 byte|1 byte|8-bit unsigned value, counter pulses (0…255) |8|
|220|Operation mode output|1 byte|8-bit unsigned value, counter pulses (0…255) |9|
|227|Setpoint input|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature (°C) |10|
|229|Setpoint shift input|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature difference (K) |11|
|230|Setpoint shift output|2 bytes|temperature difference (K), 2-byte float value |12|
|233|Basic setpoint shift input|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature difference (K) |13|
|234|Basic setpoint shift output|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature difference (K) |14|
|235|External temperature 2 byte|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature (°C) |15|
|237|Actual temperature (resultant)|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature (°C) |16|
|226|Status 2 byte|2 bytes|2-byte unsigned value, pulses |17|
|228|Setpoint output|2 bytes|2-byte float value, temperature (°C) |18|

Oh dear… that actuator is a very versatile device - the configuration depends on how it is parametrized.

I’d recommend to read the HA knx climate entity documentation and try to get it to work with one channel.

Giras actuator manual provides a very detailed description for all its parameters and functions.

If you have specific questions, I’m happy to help.