KNX integration - where do you get the information needed to configure KNX components

Newbie question. I have a working KNX installation using RGB leds, white leds, blinds, downlights and fans. The components are all from Zennio. It was set up by guys with no experience of Home Assistant.

I would like to be able to create more complex automations, outside the controlled world of KNX, that I can reconfigure on an adhoc basis using Home Assistant e. closing blinds when it is hot and no one is at home.

So far I have been able to turn most components on and off using basic knx.send commands, but little more.

{“address”: “1/1/0”, “payload”: 1} turns a downlight on, {“address”: “1/1/0”, “payload”: 0} turns it off.

{“address”: “1/2/0”, “payload”: 1} triggers that same downlight to slowly dim to nothing

I have no idea which addresses to use to set the level of a light, or to set the colour of an RGB led strip. For those who have done this before, where should I be looking to source this information ? From Zennio itself, or would it be available to my KNX configurators?

Thanks in advance.

I am now able to answer my own question. There may be better ways of doing this but this works.

I downloaded a piece of software called PNXMonitor. It allows you to connect to the IP interface and monitor activity on the KNX bus.

Look at the activity that results from pressing buttons on the KNX wall panels. It won’t take you long to work out what addresses do what. PNXMonitor also allows you to submit KNX telegrams via the IP Interface. You can use this to double check your theory.

You will also see intermittent messages from sensors reporting temperatures to the network. Try setting up these addresses as sensors and looking at the results in the Overview page.

The KNX addresses roughly map to the Zennio documentation.

Two weaknesses with this approach, none of my touch panels send out messages with absolute dimming of my downlights, only relative dimming. So I have no idea how to send absolute values to downlights, which in turn means I have no way of setting scenes.

I will update this thread once I have a solution to that problem.

DId you finde a soultion to this problem?
Im in the same situation.

usually you should have received the knx .project file from the people that initially installed your knx setup. within this file all the needed information is available.

Hang on, what exactly is your problem?

I did get a spreadsheet from my installer.

You should get a bus monitor anyway. I think ETS inside is free.