I am struggling with the status updates of my KNX objects in Home Assistant.
When I switch my lights via a HASS scene or a KNX physical switch, the status on the identity card in lovelace is not always updated.
When I restart HASS everything goes well but after a few hours it goes wrong again.
Does anybody else have this problem or can somebody help me solve this ?
Hello, I have KNX Buttons (binary sensors) were I use the counter attribute in HA to detect a doublepress. This was working in 0.117 but in 2020.12.1 it is not working anymore. Has anybody a doublepress KNX binary sensor working in HA with the 2020.12 release.
Now I have it working again. The first issue was that I created the automation with the editor and there the values for above and below get saved as string and I had to remove the quotation marks so they get interpreted as number.
After removing the quoutes it worked again but it seems that the timing changed and therefore I added two parameters to the binary_sensor. “ignore_internal_state: true” and “context_timeout: 0.3”
I thought to execute reload KNX would be sufficient to get the changes applied but that was not the case. I had to restart HA and then the changes were applied.
I have similar problem with “lights” objects. I have a lot of “lights” object with all “state_address” separately defined. In case i use e.g. “central power off” telegram from a physical KNX button to switch off all my lights (this telegram address is not the primary address of any of the light objects) the HASS status is not changing. I know that my KNX devices are not sending actively their status, but could be read explicitly by e.g. HASS.
Question: could i get somehow the feature like “sync_state” attribute works for “sensors” or “binary_sensors” where i can define the active update frequency of an entity?